
1 qt whipping cream
1 tsp salt

Pour the cream into 2 clean qt jars and let stand for 1 day at room temperature. Then close jars tightly and shake until butter separates from buttermilk. Pour off buttermilk, wash the butter with very cold water, drain and salt it.

Pioneer Mom's Note: Fresh home-churned butter. What beats that!? Especially if you have some good homemade bread to go with it. The way my Grandmother and Mom did it was to first let the cream sit and sour slightly, for about one to three days, depending on the weather. This way it is also more digestible, according to Sally Fallon.

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that cream should sit and sour first. I almost never comment here, but I am loving this site. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this.
